a pink solid background with skincare products

A Beginner’s Guide to Step-by-Step Skincare Routine

Everyday pollution has detrimental effects on the skin. Airborne pollutants not only harm the outer skin layer but can penetrate deeply and make skin dull and tired. The effectiveness of any skin product will only be enhanced if it is used in the correct sequence. Therefore, it is essential to adhere to a proper step-by-step skincare routine order.

It does not matter if your daily skincare routine order consists of three steps or seven steps. The only thing that matters is layering skincare product in correct order.  Whether you have dry or oily skin, the basic skincare routine that everyone should adhere to is to cleanse, tone, and moisturize with an SPF-containing product.

We searched the internet to find the most current and effective step by step skincare routine order for a healthy and glowing skin.

Step-by-Step Skincare Routine

Before applying any skincare product, it is advisable to do a patch test 24 hours prior. Here is 6 step basic skin care routine:

step-by-step skincare routine

1. Cleansing

Cleansing is the first step in the skincare routine as it helps in skin rejuvenation. Cleansers plays an important role in removing dirt, makeup, dead skin cell, and excess oil from the skin leaving it fresh and clean.

Cleanse your face with a gentle brightening cleanser, as it assists in restoring the moisture of the skin.

There are many different kinds of cleansers available in the market, it’s important to identify the what kind of a cleanser is best suited for your skin. Here are some cleansers to choose according to your skin need,

Soap-free gel Cleanser – For an oily or acne prone skin, a soap free gel cleanser is the best option.

Lotion Cleanser – For dry and sensitive skin, lotion cleanser is a good option.

Cream Cleanser– For combination skin , use a cream cleanser.

How to apply:

Wet the face with water and then apply some of the cleanser.

2. Toning

Toner is the next step in the morning skincare regimen. It is a liquid-based lotion or tonic used after cleansing and before moisturizing. It helps to balance the skin pH, hydrates it and reduces the size of the pores. Think of it as a primer as it preps the skin for the better absorption of nutrients. 

“When you apply a toner immediately after cleansing, you are increasing the water content of that outer layer of skin, which is better for the absorption of additional products afterward,” says Dr. Vij. “It kind of acts like a sponge by helping those other skin care ingredients sink in.”

There are varieties of toners for every skin type however be sure to read the ingredients first as not every toner is suitable for every skin type.

Here are some tips for choosing the toner that suits your skin

  1. Acne-Prone skin – For acne-prone skin try toner that contains alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acid. 
  2. Dull Skin- Look for a toner that contains lactic acid or papaya extract.
  3. Sensitive skin- Avoid toners that are highly fragranced, and have preservatives as they can irritate the skin.
  4. Mature skin- Look for a toner that contains hyaluronic acid and glycerin.
  5. Oily skin– Look for a toner that contains AHAs such as glycolic acid, citric acid, and lactic acid.
How to use:

Toners can be used in different ways such as using cotton balls or spraying on the face. You can use toner once or twice a day. 


For an exfoliating toner that includes glycolic acid use it at night time only and don’t use the with retinoids.

3. Serum

The serum is a concentrated formula for a skin treatment that infuses your skin with potent nutrients tailored to address specific concerns like hydration, brightening, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, or anti-aging. 

Dr. Roberedo-Vitas a renowned dermatologist said that at the age of 30, the formation of collagen starts to decrease which results in ageing and wrinkled skin. To avoid this it is recommended to start using the serums.

It is better not to skip the serum as it is lighter and can be absorbed into the skin deeply. So to boost the efficacy of the serum you need to apply the moisturizer after it. 

An antioxidant serum including Vitamin C and E are best recommended as it will prevent the formation of free radicals and reduce the sign of aging. 

“Everyone should use Vitamin C, no matter what age,” Dr.Magovern says. “It helps reverse a lot of skin damage we get from the sun and pollution.”

How to use

Pour a few drops on your finger and apply to the face and neck. 


Water-based serums are applied before moisturizer, while oil-based serums are applied after moisturizer.

4. Eye Cream

Our skin around eye area is very delicate and thus requires extra attention. Eyes are more prone to wrinkles, puffiness, and dark circles. For this purpose, lightweight eye cream packed with antioxidants and peptides is a good investment for your eyes.

To achieve better results it is recommended by the renowned dermatologist to apply eye cream regularly as it will maintain eye elasticity, reduce dark circles, and lessen the appearance of fine lines around the eye. 

How to Use:

Apply a little amount of eye cream using your little finger and gently tap small dots under the eye starting from the innermost corner and moving outward.


Use an eye cream that contains SPF as it will protect the eyes from the harmful effects of UV radiation. 

5. Moisturizing

Moisturizing is a fundamental and essential step in a skincare regimen as It helps to maintain the moisture level of the skin.

According to a dermatologist, essential oil from your skin is stripped off every time you wash your face. Regularly using the moisturizer helps to maintain skin’s elasticity.

How to use:

Take a small amount of moisturizer on your hand and apply it to your face and hands. Massage the skin for its better absorption. 


It is recommended to use lotion or gel-based moisturizer for an oily skin, and cream based moisturizer for dry skin.

6. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is the most important step in morning skincare routine order. Dermatologists stress the use of broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 which blocks about 97% of ultraviolet rays.

Related: Summer skincare tips to follow

It is very helpful in shielding your skin from harmful UV rays that could result in premature aging, tanning, fine lines, wrinkles, and even skin cancer

How to use

Use a thicker amount of sunscreen on your face and neck. Make sure to apply the sunscreen 20 to 30 minutes before going out. It is best to reapply after 2 hours.

Frequently asked questions

For dry skin, a basic skincare routine order includes a cleanser, exfoliator, moisturizer, and hydrating serum.

For oily skin, choose a gentle cleanser specially formulated for oily skin that helps in controlling excess oil production and prevents breakouts.

At night, begin by removing makeup with micellar water or some other makeup remover. This step will cleanse the face thoroughly from any dirt, and excess oil that may have accumulated throughout the day. After double cleansing your face, apply moisturizer as it helps to hydrate the skin. Use retinol at night for a wrinkle free skin.

It is recommended to start a basic skin care routine at around 12 years. However, it’s never too late to begin taking care of your skin and implementing a proper skincare routine, regardless of your age. 

The Bottom Line

Everyone’s skin is different, it is possible that if one product is suited to one person it may not suit the other. For this reason it is important to choose the product according to your skin type.

Generally, the visible effects of a skincare product can be seen after one month. So it is important to wait for the product to take effect.

Remember to always do a patch test before testing new skincare products and consult with a dermatologist if you have any concerns or questions about your skincare routine.  

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