
10 essential summer skincare tips to follow for a glowing skin

Soaring temperature, unsettling heat, and intolerable heat during summer can be damaging not only to your body but also to your skin. The hot temperature can cause many skin problems if not appropriately taken care of. Ultraviolet rays in the sun are mainly responsible for irreparable damage to the skin.

According to a study by the American Academy of Dermatology, one in five Americans will form skin cancer during their lifetime.

Oil, acne, rashes, dullness, wrinkles, sunburn, and other allergic reactions are adverse effects if the skin is not correctly taken care of.

How to take care of your skin in summer?

Everyone wants glowing and refreshing skin but in summer due to hot weather, it becomes difficult. Here are some tips for summer skincare that can be useful.

Moisturize with SPF in Summer

summer skin care
Image Credit: Pixaby

The essential step in skincare during summer is applying sunscreen when you go outside. The sun wears off the effects of sunscreen, so it is advisable to use the sunscreen every two hours.

Apply sunscreen on your body, neck, lips, and ears as well.

“The best type of sunscreen is the one you will use again and again. Just make sure it offers broad-spectrum (UVA and UVB) protection, has an SPF of 30 or higher and is water-resistant.”

American Academy of Dermatology Association

Skin Hydration in Summer

Hydration is a crucial ingredient in a summer skincare routine. The human body constantly needs water to function correctly and flush toxins from the body, which would otherwise not be possible.

In summer, due to heat, the need for water is much higher. The sweat glands are active in hot weather to beat the heat and keep the body cool. So in summer skincare, the key is to hydrate yourself with cold drinks.

The U.S. National Research Council recommends eight to ten eight-ounce glasses a day.

Here are some tips for hydration in Summer

  • Eat fruits and vegetables that have high water content such as watermelon, grapefruit, strawberry, tomatoes, and Cucumber.
  • Drink iced coffee as it contains 98 percent of water.
  • Drink Coconut water as it is a rich source of potassium and has a scant amount of sugar.

Face and Body Wash

In summer, the body produces a lot of sweat, so it is advisable to cleanse regularly. Wash your face twice a day and bathe every day to protect your skin in summer.

Invest in some good face wash as it is an essential step toward skincare in summer. Face wash not only cleans the skin but also helps in hydrating it.

Always consider your skin type and its problems before buying a face or body wash.

Exfoliate Skin

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Image by JIb_Enjoy from Pixabay 

Exfoliating the skin is essential for skincare during summer.

the skin sheds the dead cells after every 30 days. But still, some dead skin remains and it can cause dry, flaky patches, and clogged pores. So for this, it is advisable to exfoliate your skin.


The benefits of exfoliating skin are uncountable as it not only refreshes the skin but also helps to reduce wrinkles and sag.

Exfoliating can be done by simply mixing ground coffee, brown sugar, milk, and honey. Gently scrub the mixture onto your face, avoiding the eye and neck for at least 3-4 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry.

Dermatologist recommends exfoliating the skin according to skin type and need. For example, for oily skin, exfoliation should be done daily or every other day. While for different skin types, exfoliate your skin is once or twice a week.

Use Light moisturizer

Image by Monfocus from Pixabay

Apply a light moisturizer to your skin in hot weather. You can use a non-greasy moisturizer based on your skin type.

“A lightweight moisturizer with SPF of 30 or higher maybe plenty for most people,” says Omar Ibrahim, MD FAAD, Certified Dermatologist.

Apply light moisturizer after every two to three hours and preferably after every bath. But don’t apply a thicker layer of moisturizer as it can lead to acne, clogged pores, and inflammation.

Eat Healthy food

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Image by Devon Breen from Pixabay

Healthy food in summer not only helps in beating the intolerable heat but is also essential for your skincare during summer. Summer food that you should include in your diet should be seasonal and fresh.

So, what to eat in Summer to keep your body cool?. According to many health experts, healthy summer food is tomatoes, melons, watermelon, bottle gourd, coconut water, cucumber, lime water, green leafy vegetables, avocado, and berries.

Wear Protective Clothes

Cotton is the best fabric to wear in hot weather. It is light and breathable. Avoid tight-fitting clothing as it will not only trouble you but will make you sweat more.

The hat is another protective measure that you can take while going out in the sun. The cap will not only protect your scalp from sun rays but also your hair from sun heat.

Use Umbrella

Umbrella adds a layer of protection against harmful UV rays. It will help you not only reduce the exposure to sunlight but will provide you shade. Hats and clothes keep the sun heat off your skin but not from your body. Umbrellas provide you with shade and a cooling effect even in the sun.

A study conducted by the Department of Dermatology of Emory medical school found that “an umbrella could reduce UV rays by 77 to 99 percent.”

Protect Lip

Lips are a common site for developing cancer. Cracked, peeled, and dried lips can be an early sign of skin cancer if not healed by applying lip balm or petroleum jelly.

According to Dr. Shainhouse, lips exposed to the sun are not only at the risk of sunburn but also developing pre-cancerous scaly skin that is not healed by applying lip balm or petroleum jelly.

Nowadays, Lip balm comes with SPF that not only makes your lips soft and moisturize but also acts as a protective shield from sun rays.

Vitamin C serum

Vitamin C is an antioxidant serum that you must include in your skincare routine during summer. Antioxidants are excellent in preventing hyperpigmentation and fine line.

Put a few drops of Vitamin C onto your skin while cleansing. It will not only brighten up your skin tone but also, protect your skin.

Vitamin C serum can also be taken from leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits, green tea, nuts, and whole grain. Include this natural source of antioxidants into your diet for glowing-looking skin.

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