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50 Ways to practice gratitude

Gratitude! The magic word for a happy life.

Gratitude is defined as “the state of being grateful, thankfulness”. When we are grateful, it’s almost as if we are more satisfied with the little things in our life. We appreciate these small things (i.e., a great conversation with a loved one, a delicious healthy meal we made ourselves at home, or a fantastic experience while traveling).

Gratitude is essential in our lives as when you express gratitude to someone, they tend to feel good. Similarly, when you receive an unexpected gift or act of kindness, it can create a positive feeling in your life.

But we don’t say “thank you” enough. Saying “thank you” shows gratitude to people, parents, teachers, and spouses.

These people have done so much for us, and we should show our appreciation for them.

a poster with a child carrying thankyou in hand

Ways to Practice Gratitude

Here are some simple ways to practice gratitude:

ways to practice gratitude every day


Gratitude is hard to practice if you can’t find time to sit and think of everything you should be grateful for. It is a skill that can be learned and practiced.
Here are some tips on how to practice gratitude every day:

1. Acknowledge your Blessings

Take a moment to acknowledge your blessings. Think about all the things you have to be grateful for, and make it a habit to remind yourself of them throughout the day. It helps you to feel good about yourself and others.

2. Practice being grateful

Be grateful for what you have and not what you don’t have. Practice being thankful in all circumstances, even when things aren’t going your way.

3. Say thank you often

Say thank you often, mainly when others help you out or give you without asking for anything in return.

4. Make a list of things that make you happy

Make a list of things that make you happy, thankful, proud, or grateful, and then read it at least once a month (or more often if needed) or share it with someone who will appreciate it!

5. Find something good about each day

Find something good about each day before bedtime, as it will help boost happiness and satisfaction in your life. You can think about those positive things in your head or can write in a journal.

6. Stop complaining

Stop complaining about things that don’t matter as it will not help anyone, especially not yourself!. So, focus on what is good in your life instead of what isn’t so good.

7. List your accomplishments

List all the things you’ve accomplished in the past year, then reflect on those accomplishments. not just your successes but also your failures and mistakes.

8. Be kind to yourself.

Be kind to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, including you! When something goes wrong in your life, try not to dwell on it too much. Instead, think about all the things that have gone right in your life and appreciate those.

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9. Keep a gratitude journal

Keep a gratitude journal, where you write down what you’re grateful for every day. This practice can be a great way to reflect on your life and help keep track of the things that bring you happiness.

10. Donate Money

Donate money to a cause that makes you feel happy and proud to be part of something bigger than yourself.

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ways to show gratitude to Other People

girl with a flower

Here are some ways how to be thankful to someone. It can include your family members, friends, relatives, co-workers, or strangers.

11. Think of Others First

While it is essential to take care of yourself, it is equally important to think of others first. Think about the other person’s perspective and consider their emotions and feelings when you disagree. Please don’t be rude to them, but come to understand them from their perspective.

12. Be an Active Listener

Always listen to others’ points of view and be an active listener. Please put down your phone and let them steer the conversation. If someone has had a rough day listen to them and give an empathetic answer.

13. recognize the good that exists in others

Make an effort to recognize the good in others and around you every day.

14. Bring awareness to the needs of others

Bring awareness to the needs of others by helping them with whatever they need.

15. Write a love note

Make sure someone knows what they mean to you by writing them a love note or sending flowers. Send thank you cards or letters to people who’ve impacted your life recently (even if it’s something small).

16. Make it a point to say “thank you”

Make it a point to say “thank you” whenever someone does something nice for you or helps out with something important in your life (for example, if someone helps wash the dishes at dinner time).

It’s easy to forget such acts of kindness when they happen so frequently, but focusing on them will make you appreciate others’ good deeds.

17. Share positive experiences

Share positive experiences with others by writing a thank you note or emailing someone who’s recently impacted your life.

18. random acts of kindness

Make time for random acts of kindness throughout the day. Here are five ways to practice gratitude ideas:

– surprise someone with a coffee

– hold open doors for strangers

– offer to help carry heavy boxes up flights of stairs for someone who looks like they’re struggling with their load.

– Pick up litter from the beach

– Plant a tree

19. Letter of Gratitude

Writing a letter of gratitude to someone who has impacted your life can be a great way to practice gratitude

20. Help others when they need it most.

Help others when they need it most. If an older adult in your neighborhood needs help with yard work or housework, offer to pitch in. If a homeless person needs food or clothing, donate some items from your closet so they won’t be as cold or hungry as they were before they met you!

21. Show a little enthusiasm.

Show a little enthusiasm to your friends, family, and relatives. For example, if someone gives you a gift, show your appreciation by saying thank you and telling them how much you like it. Tell them how much it means to you if someone does something nice for you.

22. Make time for family and friends.

Make time for family and friends. Although we often feel like we don’t have enough time in the day for everything we need to get done, spending time with them.

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how to show gratitude to parents

a little girl hugging and giving flower to a woman

We love them and appreciate their love, care, and support. They have made us what we are today. They sacrificed a lot for us.

The status of our parents in Islam is extremely high, which is why our faith places a great deal of importance on our family.

Allah has ordained for you, that you worship none but Him, and to be kind to our parents And if any one or both of them reach old age do not say a word of contempt or repel them but address them with honour, and speak to them with kindness, and lower your wing of humility and pray to Allah – ‘My Lord, bless them as they have cherished me in childhood.

Surah Isra 17:28-29

Here are some gratitude practice ideas for our parents

23. Accept their advice

You can’t be right all the time. Sometimes, your parents do something that seems wrong, but they know better than you do. So when your mom or dad advises something, try accepting it even if it doesn’t seem right to you at first glance.

24. Call them Regularly

If you live away from your parents, it is best to call them regularly as they will be pleased to hear from you.

25. Help around the house

It’s not always easy being a parent, so sometimes they need help with chores around the house like cleaning up or taking out the trash on garbage day or washing dishes after dinner, etc.

Do these things without being asked because it gives them peace of mind knowing that everything is under control when they aren’t around, and they can relax more when they come home from work after a long day of work stress.

26. offer to pay for their meal

The next time your parents take you out to dinner, offer to pay for their meal. It’s a small gesture that lets them know that you appreciate all they do for you.

27. Spend Quality time together

If your parents live far away from you or you only see them once in a while (like during holidays), make sure to make up for a lost time by spending quality time together whenever possible!

28. Always say “thank you”

Showing gratitude is one of the best ways to show your parents how much they mean to you. A simple thank-you text or a handwritten letter will do the trick.

29. Make Dua for them

Try to make dua for your parents daily. Always pray for their health and long life. One dua that you can make is

رَّبِّ ارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرًا

Rabbir hamhuma kama Rabbayani Sagheera

My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was small.

how to show gratitude to teachers

a bunch of flower with note

Teachers are one of the most influential people in our lives. They are the ones who taught us how to read and write. They helped us with our homework and guided us through life’s challenges. In short, they made us who we are today.

Here are some ways to say thank you to the teachers

30. Thank them in person.

We should be grateful to them for their efforts and kindness. If your teacher is still at school, make an effort to find them and thank them personally.

There are many ways to thank your teacher, like:

– Thanking them by saying it out loud

– Giving them a gift

– Writing a thank you note

– Writing a poem or song about them

31. Write a letter of appreciation.

It’s not always easy to verbally express your gratitude to teachers, but writing letters can help you get your feelings across without feeling self-conscious or awkward.

So, start thanking your teachers for their hard work and dedication. Send them an email with positive feedback about their teaching style or lesson plans.

32. Give them flowers.

Flowers are a thoughtful way of showing appreciation for any teacher. Give your teacher a flower to show how much they mean to you.

33. Give them a gift card.

Find their favorite restaurant or place to shop and get them a gift card to indulge.

34. make their birthday memorable

Be sure to make their birthday memorable by

– getting them a cake,

– having the class sing happy birthday, or

– giving them a special gift.

35. volunteering for a task

It is important to remember that teachers don’t just teach; they also guide and mentor their students. The best way to show your gratitude is by volunteering for a task that the teacher needs help with.

Some of the tasks you can volunteer for are:

– Organizing the classroom

– Helping with grading papers

– Helping with student projects

– Helping with lesson planning

how to show gratitude to your spouse

a man a woman standing with their hands on their herat

Gratitude is a powerful emotion, and it can strengthen relationships in ways that nothing else can. It creates closeness, trust, and love.

Here are some ways to practice gratitude for your husband/wife.

36. Say Thank you

More often, thanking your spouse is probably the simplest and easiest way to show your gratitude. You can vary your vocabulary and use different words to say thank you.

37. Compliment your spouse’s job

Compliment your spouse on a job well done, even if it’s something small like the dinner they made for you.

38. Leave a Love Note

By writing love notes to your Partner, you can show your appreciation for them and share your feelings. You can write a message saying ‘I LOVE YOU’ or write beautiful poetry.

39. Send an encouraging text message

Send an encouraging note or text message when they need it most — especially if he’s stressed out at work or feeling down about something else going on in his life.

40. Send a Note in email

Send them a note in the mail just as there is no need to wait for any occasion.

41. Send a Special gift

One way to show gratitude is by sending a gift. Gifts are a great way to express emotions in our relationships, but they don’t have to be expensive or elaborate. Sometimes the smallest gesture can make the most significant difference.

42. Give A Hug

A hug is a way to show gratitude for someone who has been there for you during difficult times, when you’ve had an accomplishment, or when someone has gone out of their way to do something nice for you.

Hugging is also a great way to convey feelings of love and appreciation, and it’s often the first thing we do with people we’re close with.

It is one of the most common ways to show gratitude to your Partner. It is a way of saying “thank you for being there for me.”

So hug your partner and tell them how much you love being with them.

43. Make time for your Partner

Make an effort to make time for your spouse. You can enjoy some quiet time together at home, and you can go together to a restaurant for a candlelight dinner. Make these moments special by showing your love and gratitude.

44. Cook a special dinner

One way to show your partner gratitude is by cooking a meal or dinner. You can cook something they like or make something new that you think they will enjoy.

Cooking together is a great way to spend time together and create new memories. If the two of you are not confident in the kitchen, then take some time to learn how to cook together!

45. Help around

One way to show gratitude to your Partner is by offering help around the house.

You can contribute by doing the dishes, cleaning up after dinner, or folding laundry.

46. Give them a break from their responsibilities

Another way you can show gratitude is by giving them a break from their responsibilities. It could be as simple as letting them sleep on a Saturday morning or taking over with the kids for an afternoon so they can take a break and watch their favorite TV show.

How do we express our gratitude to Allah?

a woman spreading her arms out and looking toward blue sky filled with clouds

People are grateful for their friends, family, and even strangers who help them out. But how do we be thankful to Allah?

When we talk about expressing our gratitude to Allah, it can seem like a daunting task. When we talk about expressing our love for our parents or spouses, it comes naturally because we feel love for them.

Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah be well pleased with him, in his Madarij al-Salikin explained the manners of showing gratitude to Allah when he said, “showing gratitude (shukr) is either with the heart by being submissive and tranquil or content; with the tongue by praising [Allah] and acknowledging [His favors]; and with the limbs by performing acts of worship and showing obedience.” 

But how do you express your love for Allah? Here are simple ways how to be thankful to Allah.

47. Praying five times a day

The best way to express your gratitude is through prayer. There are many ways that Muslims express their love for Allah by praying. Praying five times a day is one of Islam’s most important acts of worship. It’s not just about reciting words from memory; it’s about making those words come from within your heart.

Praying five times a day reminds us that we need Allah in our lives every moment of every day, and it reminds us that we should be grateful for everything He has given us — including the ability to pray!

48. say “Alhamdulillah”

The best way to express our gratitude to Allah is to say “Alhamdulillah” (All praise be to Allah) when we see something that we feel grateful for.

For example, if you are driving your car and see a beautiful flower, you should say “Alhamdulillah” aloud.

It will also help you develop a habit of thanking Allah for all the blessings in your life.

If you are having breakfast with your family and making some delicious food, you should thank them by saying “Alhamdulillah”.

Then eat of what Allah has provided for you [which is] lawful and good. And be grateful for the favor of Allah, if it is [indeed] Him that you worship. [16:114]

49. express gratitude to Allah through zikr

The best way to express our gratitude to Allah is through zikr (remembrance). Zikr is the remembrance of Allah by saying His name, which you can do verbally or silently in one’s heart.

This can be done by reciting dhikr or supplications such as SubhanAllah, alhamdulillah and laa ilaaha illallah (none has the right to be worshipped except Allah).

50. show appreciation for god’s creation

Take a walk and get some fresh air. Take some time out to smell the roses. Smelling fresh flowers increases happiness levels too.


In the end, gratitude is a gift we give to ourselves as much as it is a gift to others. By practicing simple acts of gratitude we lift our spirits and acknowledge the love and support we may take for granted each day.

It might be difficult at first, but the more we practice shows of gratitude, the easier they become. And the more effort you put into it, the more you’ll enjoy thanking those around you, and feeling that positive appreciation in return.

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