New year written on black background with bulbs and stars

32 Achievable New Year’s Resolution Ideas for 2022

Every new year is a chance to start afresh and gain back a sense of control. A chance to erase the past and fix what went wrong, resolve to do better, and make ourselves proud of who we are as individuals.

New Year, New You!

This is the time of year where we make resolutions and try to improve ourselves. Since we can’t realistically achieve everything all at once, why not create a list of new year resolutions that are easy to manage, attainable, and will help you live a healthier lifestyle?

New year’s Resolution Ideas

New Year's Resolution Ideas

Trying to change your life in a positive way doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it can be pretty easy and fun if you approach it correctly and make resolutions you can actually stick with.

I prefer to set goals for myself every year that are more internal and individualized. 

Here are 32 ideas to consider as you begin thinking about your New Year’s resolutions for 2022.

1. Cook something new each week.

A chef is cooking

Cooking is also a way to learn about different kinds of food and different cultures. Since it’s something you’re doing anyway, you can learn while doing it. 

You can make one recipe, you’ve never tried before each week or once in a month in 2022. You could try continental food for a few weeks then Indian or Chinese for the next couple of weeks.

So, make a new dish every week or once a month to try some different food.

2. Cook dinner at home

a woman is taking salad from a plate.

Cook dinner at home more often with the family so you can all eat together and reconnect each week while working on your goals and planning for the week ahead.

3. Eat Fruits and Vegetables Eveyday

Fruits and vegetables in grey shopper

Eat Fruits and Vegetables every day as they are a good source of nutrients. According to World Health Organization, one should intake at least 400 gm of fruits and vegetables daily to lower the risk of heart attacks, cancer, and other diseases.

4. Learn to make different sorts of salads and soups

soup in a bowl

Learn how to make at least ten different kinds of salad and ten different kinds of soup, and prepare them for your friends at least once per month.

5. Build a budget

Woman is using writing on notepad using a calculator.

With the new year comes the inevitable resolution to change. This year, resolve to have a better budget. Making a budget means that you will have to be realistic about how much money you actually earn, and how much money you actually spend.

 6. Track expenses

grocery bill

Track expenses in an app like Mint or Good Budget. Tracking your expenses will help you to build a better budget for your household than the last one so that more money goes toward your savings goals every month.

7. Start using cash rather than credit cards

a man has money

The next time you go to buy something consider using cash instead of credit cards because it really does help keep you from overspending.  

8. Stop buying crap out of boredom.

Woman is on phone with shopping handbags

Stop buying things that you don’t need. Make a commitment to not buy anything out of boredom this year. Instead, find a new hobby and get yourself busy.

9.   Exercise at least 10 minutes a day.

A woman wearing a black shirt and trousers with a pink headband is exercising

It doesn’t matter if losing weight isn’t your goal; exercise for a few minutes every day. It will keep your body in shape. 

In the first few weeks, if you set your goal at just five minutes a day, it will be much easier to achieve. Continue until you’ve reached your target of 10 minutes a day (or more).

Read more about Health and fitness trackers to help you achieve your new year’s resolution goals.

10. Prioritize your health

Blood pressure, stethoscope

With the new year just getting started, Health should always be given first preference. This can be achieved by going for a walk every morning in the park or gym, changing bad habits, and by keeping track of sugar intake.

11. Drink More Water

water pouring in glass

Water is an important part of our body, as it constitutes up to 60% of the human body.

So, drink at least 7-8 glasses of water every day.

12. Drink Less Alcohol

Alcohol with a half filled glass and a not sign

On this new year’s resolution, one of the important goals is to drink less alcohol and cut out soda from the diet completely. As studies have shown that sugar isn’t good for your physical and mental health.

13. Invest in Skincare

woman is applying a face mask

Winter and some seasons can do a lot of damage to your skin. Invest in some good skincare products to protect your skin from changing temperatures. Moreover, rather than applying a thick foundation try these summer and winter skincare tips to have glowing skin.

14. Spend time with family

hiking with family

Many people get too busy with their busy schedules, but it is important to spend time with your family. Spending time with your family creates a strong emotional bond, builds your confidence, and so much fun and laughter.

15. Spend less time Online

Social media networks on phone in a group folder

Spend less time online on social media because it is affecting physical health and well-being in a negative manner!

16. Read something each day 

book pages

Reading is a very good habit as it broadens knowledge and enhances wisdom. So, Instead of reading something related to work or school each day, try reading a novel, news articles, a blog post, book, or whatever you enjoy. 

17. Write one page everyday

a woman is writing on notebook

Make writing a habit. With the start of the new year, develop a habit of writing at least one page every day. It can be journal entries, letters, stories, or blog posts – it doesn’t matter what it is as long as you are enjoying writing!

18. Print out picture from your phone

print out photo

Print out pictures from your phone and put them in a scrapbook or photo album. These memories will be a help to you in your tough time.

19. Write 3 things on Gratitude Journal every day

grey color journal with a pen

Gratitude journals are great for your mental, physical and spiritual health. Therefore, make it your habit to write down three things each day for which you’re grateful.

20. Be forgiving


Don’t let past failures or mistakes haunt you or prevent you from moving forward. Forgive yourself and others and work toward achieving your goals.

21. Treat yourself well

graphic of a girl with icons of calculator, medical box, clock, heart, and first aid

In this new year, don’t forget to take good care of yourself and your body by exercising, eating right, and getting sufficient sleep. This will help you to stay in good health and be nicer to yourself and others regardless of how you feel.

22. Be more positive


It is a fact that negative thoughts and feelings can have a detrimental effect on your mental and physical health. So, be more positive and smile a lot more.

23. Offer prayer and recite Holy Book

open quran with tasbeeh

Make it your new year resolution goal to offer the prayer and recite your religious book like Quran/Bible daily Offering prayer and reciting Quran has a positive impact on mental health.

24. Paint the walls 

blue color wall

Paint the walls of one room a color that makes you happy whenever you walk into it.

25. Start writing a book

blank old open book

Start writing a book even if it’s only a page per week. A page a week adds up to a respectable manuscript in one year. After a year or two, you can publish your book.

26. Write your own biography

an open note book with old photos

A very uncommon new year’s resolution goal is to write your own biography. It is a good idea to write about yourself, your accomplishments, your personal and professional life.

27. Spend time on some fun activity 

woman confetti sparkle

Spend at least two hours every week on some activity that is fun but doesn’t make money. This is a hedge against burnout.

28. Learn to operate a vehicle

woman driving

As 2022 begins, everyone is talking about health and fitness goals that they need to achieve this year. With these health goals, consider making a new year’s resolution about driving a car or a bike. So, take a driving class and be a better driver this year.

29. Learn basic plumbing

a man doing plumbing

Learn how to do basic plumbing and electrical repairs around the house yourself, instead of hiring someone else to do it for you.

30. Volunteer once a month

4 hands raised with heart on palm

Volunteer at an animal shelter, food pantry, or school library once a month. Volunteering has many social, and health benefits. Moreover, it can help you in making new friends, advance your career, and live a happy healthier life.

31. Declutter your closet

a woman organizing

Go through your closet and throw away everything that doesn’t fit, hasn’t been worn in 12 months, is stained or otherwise ruined, or makes you feel bad.

32. Grow a Garden

a man planting in the garden

Planting fruits, vegetables, and other plants in the home have many health benefits. It not only improves the stress level but is also helpful in improving concentration and air quality.

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