self care

28 Self Care Ideas to Rediscover Your Inner Being

Self care is the act of taking care of oneself, providing for one’s own needs, and fulfilling one’s responsibilities. It’s one of the most important habits we can form, and something we should all strive for every day. However, it is hard to know what self-care is and how to be more self-caring in our daily lives. 

Unfortunately, most people think of self-care as getting a massage or buying yourself a new dress.

Instead, it’s a way of life that includes taking care of your mind, body, and emotions. It is about treating yourself with love and respect and making sure that you are happy and healthy.

“the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.”

World Health Organization

It is important to remember that self care is one of the most important things you can do for yourself to live a healthier life.

Taking care of yourself and prioritizing yourself, on the other hand, isn’t always easy. We all get lost in our busy lives, and then we forget to take care of ourselves. 

It’s essential to evaluate your self-care in various areas to ensure that you’re taking care of your mind, body, and spirit.

Here are some ideas of how you can take better care of yourself and get in touch with your inner being. Choose one from each category and try to include it in your life.

Self Care Tips For Physical Health

Physical self-care

1. Sleep better

Sleeping better is one of the crucial steps in Physical self-care, as sleeping is essential to function at your best and stay healthy. There are a few things you can do to ensure that you get enough sleep.: 

  1. Decide when you want to go to bed and stick to it.
  2. Get a free alarm clock app for your Phone that will help remind you when it’s time to go to bed. 
  3. Get a sleep journal and set a goal for yourself to sleep eight hours a night.
  4. Don’t consume caffeine or tea before going to bed.
  5. Instead of watching TV, or surfing online, go to bed 30 minutes earlier. Going to bed 30 minutes earlier every day means that you sleep an extra hour and a half a week.

2. Eat Healthy

vegetables and fruits

Among the other essential tips for self-care, healthy meals should be a top priority. Eating healthy is necessary not only for your physical health but also for your emotional health. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients vital for good health.

Thousands of people want to improve their eating habits, but the problem is that it’s not always easy to eat healthy when you’re in a hurry or don’t know much about nutrition. 

You don’t need to follow expensive diet plans, but all you need is to increase the number of fruits and vegetables in your daily meal plan. It will aid in the improvement of your eating habits as well as your general health.

3. Work out

dumb bells

Workouts are one of the most effective ways to stay strong, happy, and in good health. Not only do they make you feel good about yourself, but they also benefit your overall health. 

Studies have shown that exercise can reduce the risk of heart attacks, lower cholesterol levels. 

There are many different types of workouts to choose from, so you can find something that fits your schedule, interests, and fitness level. 

Related: Top 10 Best Fitness Apps For Apple Watch

4. Maintain Hygiene

person washing hand with soap

The importance of maintaining hygiene is chief among the Physical self-care activities since it prevents infection, makes us feel better about ourselves, and improves our mood.

Personal hygiene includes

  • Washing our hands with soap or hand wash for one minute before and after eating, touching surfaces, and before bed.
  • Brush teeth after every meal as it will minimize the risk of tooth decay and gum diseases
  • Floss the teeth daily.
  • Take showers as it is a great way to clean the body and hair.
  • Trim nails once a week.
  • Change sheets often because dirt can accumulate on them and spread bacteria.

5. Drink a lot of Water

Water makes up 60% of our body, with the brain, heart, and kidneys containing 80-85 percent water and the lungs containing 75-80 percent water. The skin and muscles water content are 70-75 percent, the blood is 50 percent, and the bones and teeth are 20-25 percent and 8-10 percent, respectively.

Water is essential for the body’s proper functioning, so drink at least eight glasses every day.

It is essential for:

  • lubrication of joints
  • removing waste from the body
  • detoxification of the body
  • temperature regulation

6. Sit in the Sun

It is proven that spending time in the sun improves physical and mental health. Sunlight is a natural source of Vitamin D, which helps maintain a healthy body by strengthening bones, boosting the immune system, and reducing the risk of premature birth.

It is recommended to sit in the sun for at least 10-20 minutes every day in Spring and Summer and 2 hours in the winter.

Self Care Tips For Mental Health

Mental health self-care

7. Break the Negative Inner Voice

change negative thinking

Have you ever wondered why some people always seem to be happy and positive while others always complain and think negatively? 

It is because their mindsets are different, and this holds for both negative and cheerful attitudes. Your mindset affects your actions and behavior; it affects your productivity, happiness, and even success.

These little voices in your head tell you to get things done, get things right, get things perfect. You just tune it out, and don’t listen and succumb to it.

Related: 7 ways that help in dealing with Depression

8. Listen to Music

black smartphone besides earphones and camera lens
Photo by Rahul Pandit on

The influence of music on our lives is immense and especially for our mental self-care. It can energize us, improve our mood, or even make us feel sad.

If you are feeling stressed or you are feeling lonely, turn on the music. As listening to music is a way to fight off the blues. It is like magic; the moment you hear the first notes, you feel better and cheer up. 

Research shows that music is a booster for your brain. It helps to learn things fast and enhances the memory

9. Watch or listen to comedy

Watching a funny movie or tv show, Listening to a comedy podcast, or even reading a humorous book is an excellent source for a mood booster.

It can help boost your mood, improve your health, and even add some years to your life.

So, it’s a great idea to attend stand-up comedy shows or plan a get-together with a friend to share a laugh.

10. Watch a movie

Watching movies helps boost Physical and Emotional health and is an excellent source of learning new and creative things. It also helps the youngsters to learn a language and vocabulary.

It’s a great idea to watch movies on the weekend with friends and family and spend some quality time. You don’t have to go anywhere other than sit and enjoy. 

There are many online streaming websites, including Netflix, HBO, Popcornflix, and many more, to watch movies.

11. Read a book

open book with a leaf

Reading a book can be very helpful in effective self-care. It helps readers cope with anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental or emotional issues.

Not only that, reading provides people with access to perspectives on life that they might not otherwise come across and help them build empathy and compassion for those who are different from themselves.

It also encourages us to explore alternate realities, new ideas or concepts, as well as new ways of thinking about our own lives which can lead to insight into how we want to live in the future.

12. Be Creative

Most of us are stuck in routines, but taking some time to stretch your creativity is good for the soul.

If you’re looking to change the way you see things ultimately, try out a new hobby. You never know–it might just lead you to your next career move.

13. Start a habit

Our habits heavily influence our daily actions. Good habits play a crucial role in good health, reduced stress levels, and increased happiness.

Building new habits isn’t that difficult as you have to set a specific goal of what you want to do. It can be something you want to do every day or a few times a week. Get in the habit of doing it

According to studies, it takes 18 to 254 days to form a new habit.

An excellent way to do this is to create a daily schedule of what you want to do. Be reasonable; don’t set unrealistic goals.

Every day, go through the schedule and cross out the things that you did that day. It will help you see what you get done.

Some of the habits to try are:

  1. Wake up Early
  2. Drink plenty of water
  3. Eat Breakfast
  4. Exercise Daily
  5. Read at least ten pages
  6. Get 7-8 hours of sleep
  7. Limit the use of Phone

14. Start a Hobby

Do you have a hobby you abandoned after college? Maybe you gave up yoga for a career or stopped oil painting because you weren’t good at it. Or perhaps you gave up the thing you loved when you got married and had kids.

It’s normal to fall out of routine with your hobbies and interests. But it’s essential to keep those interests active. Hobbies and outside-the-box activities can help boost your self-esteem, give you an outlet for stress, and keep you connected to the world around you.

Here are ten hobbies that are easy to start but may take you a lifetime to master.

1. Cooking or baking

2. Gardening

3. Painting

4. Yoga

5. Designing Clothes

6. Running

7. Hiking

8. Reading

9. Crafting

10. Watching movies

15. Smile a lot

white sheep plush toy
Photo by Tetyana Kovyrina on

It’s no coincidence smile is good for you. Studies show that smiling lowers stress, boosts your immune system, enhances your quality of life, and can even extend your life.

Endorphin, the body’s natural painkiller, is released when someone smiles.

Even a few minutes a day of smile can give you more energy and help you cope with everyday challenges. To reap the most benefits, though, it’s crucial to find a source of smile that’s right for you.

16. Cook a healthy meal

cooking a meal

Cooking is part of most people’s lives, but cooking as self-care? That seems strange.

Many people think that cooking is a chore, something you have to do, not something you want to do. But the fact is, while it may be a chore on a bad day, it’s joy on a good day.

Cooking has a therapeutic effect because it relieves stress and improves overall well-being. Preparing a tasty and healthy meal boosts one’s self-esteem, which is beneficial to self-care in the long run.

17. Take a bubble bath

Self-care is about treating yourself well and making sure that you feel good. You can take a bubble bath to feel relaxed.

Fill the tub with warm water and add a few bubbles. You can also add some essential oils, as it is excellent for calming thoughts and relaxing the body.

18. Dress up Nicely

In order to look and feel good, one of the most important things is to feel good and look good. When we feel better about ourselves, it’s easier to take care of ourselves and make a positive change in our lives.

Dressing up nicely for yourself does not need to be an occasion. It is about the beauty and elegance that you radiate. Dress in clothes that make you feel comfortable, look great and are of high quality.

19. Take a picture of yourself 

The other thing you can do to rediscover your inner being is to take a picture of yourself. Selfies are one of the most common ways to represent oneself in the digital age. Just Sit up straight, look straight into your camera, and smile.

The picture doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to remind you that you are worth self-care.

Self Care Tips For Social Health

Social health self care

20. Talk with your Parents

During busy days, it can be difficult to schedule time out of your day to sit back and relax with the people you care about. Sometimes all it takes is a gentle prod to shift your focus away from your worries.

We should never underestimate the emotional connection that parents have with their children. You can Talk to your parents over the phone and ask for their opinion on things.

21. Connect with your Friends

When was the last time you spent an evening talking with your friends?

Chances are, you are usually too busy or you are too tired to talk to your friends after a long day at work. 

And that is fine, but it doesn’t mean that you should let your relationships with your loved ones drop. You should spend some time with your friends, even if it’s just watching a movie together. 

So, don’t hesitate to schedule a reunion or to plan a weekend trip with your friends.

Self Care Tips For Emotional Health

Emotional health self care

22.  Change up your daily routine

An important part of self-care is staying refreshed, renewing yourself, and recharging your batteries.

Our routine can become rutted. If you’ve been used to a certain way of doing things, it’s easy to feel stuck.

Even small changes can make a big difference. For example, you might try moving your morning meditation from 5:30 am to 6:30 am. Or you might try changing the order of the events on your morning to-do list.

Whatever changes you make, take a careful look at how you spend your time. And don’t just focus on what you used to do. What are you doing now?

Try something out, and if it doesn’t work, try something else. Eventually, you’ll find something that does.

By learning to enjoy yourself more, you might find that you enjoy yourself even more. And in turn, that will make it easier to enjoy yourself even more.

23. Therapeutic massage

A therapeutic massage is a form of bodywork that helps alleviate physical tension and pain. It is an approach to therapy that focuses on fixing the source of pain, rather than just relieving its symptoms.

The goal is to release chronic muscle tension, improve circulation, promote deep relaxation, and intensify healing within an individual’s body.

Therapeutic massage can also be used for self-care or during times of high stress to help lower cortisol levels.

24. Write a journal entry

A journal can serve as a place where you can document your thoughts and express your feelings.

A daily journal is the best way to start with self-care because it forces you to pause and think about how you are feeling, what you want out of life, and who you want to be

Start by writing down some of the basic ideas in a journal, for instance, what’s going well in your day, what you’re grateful for, three things you struggled with today, etc.

Once you have written those down, write out some thoughts about those topics.

The next step is reflecting on the thoughts and actions from your entries and thinking about how they can be changed. 

A daily journaling practice will help people feel calm and more grounded. It will also show people what they need for themselves and how they need to change their life in order to find happiness.

25. Gratitude

Everyone knows they should practice gratitude, but most of us don’t do it nearly as often as we should. Instead, we focus on things that stress us out, like the fact that we don’t have enough money or that traffic was horrible on the way to work. This is why it’s important to schedule gratitude into your day. 

One way to cultivate gratitude is to write a gratitude list. Each night before bed, write down three things you were grateful for that day. “I had a wonderful lunch with my children,” or “I met an old friend,” or “I had a good day at work.”

You should find ways to cultivate your sense of gratitude in order to maintain mental health and stable well-being in this hectic world.

Self Care Tips For Spiritual Health

Spiritual health self care

26. Spend Time in nature

Spending time in nature can lead to a sense of peace for many people. There are many benefits of spending time in nature, such as reducing stress, improving mood, or relieving symptoms of depression.

People who spend time in nature are happier and more productive. They are also less likely to get sick because they have a stronger immune system. Spending time in nature can also change our brain activity which decreases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Most people find gardening therapeutic. It slows them down and puts them in touch with nature. 

But gardening is more than just therapy. It is a way of getting to know yourself, learning to be so aware of your surroundings as it is. You learn to see what you usually miss.  

27. Mindfully observe

Our minds can be fragile things. Oftentimes, we are so caught up in our routines that we fail to take the time to observe our thoughts. 

It’s critical to pay attention to your thoughts because doing so allows you to separate yourself from negative thoughts and take control of them.

Rather than worrying about the future, being angry about the past, or being afraid of the present, you should examine your thoughts and analyze both negative and positive ones.

However, how do you go about doing so?

  • Sit in a quite room where you can sit comfortably.
  • Begin by observing the people around you, listening to the sounds you hear, or observing how light reflects off nearby objects.
  • Pay attention to what’s going on around you. Be conscious of the things you normally take for granted. You can train your mind to be more aware of even the smallest things by practicing mindfulness.

Mindfulness has many health benefits including reduced stress, increased immunity, lower heart rate, and better sleep.

Practicing Mindfulness is possible anywhere. You should practice it every day for six months in order to benefit the most from it.

28. Meditation

Meditation is an ancient technique for achieving inner peace that involves sitting comfortably, closing your eyes, and relaxing. It’s akin to recharging your phone’s battery.

It comes in a variety of forms. Some do it to relax their bodies, while others do it to calm their minds. It is not necessary to have any prior experience with meditation or to have any special knowledge.

It’s also not necessary to do it in a specific location. You can meditate anywhere: at home, at work, in the garden, on the bus or train, or even while waiting.

Meditation is an excellent way to de-stress and reconnect with yourself.


Self-care has become an important issue in this fast-paced world. It is easy to get lost in the rat race and work so hard that we completely forget about ourselves. This might result in us feeling exhausted and losing the connection with our true purpose.

By taking care of yourself, in the form of self-care, you can improve your mood and overall state of mind. It is important to note that taking care of yourself does not just mean buying material things, but also includes self-care activities like exercising, meditation, and meditation.

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