a woman

The Top 17 Winter Skincare Tips in 2022

Winter is a month of the extreme and harsh cold. The cold temperature and low moisture level during this season result in dry air which as a result takes away all the moisture from the skin leaving it dry and flaky. 

Not only that, but the heat from the heater also contributes to the dryness of the skin as well. 

These dry and cold winters have a significant effect on our bodies, especially on our skin. If not properly taken care of this may result in many skin problems, eczema, and psoriasis.

So, it becomes a challenge to take care of the skin in cold weather. You cannot control the weather but the only thing that you can do is to take care of your skin during winter.

In this article, I will share with you the top 17 tips for Winter skincare to protect you from extremely biting cold temperatures.

Tips for Winter Skincare

Winter skincare Chart in the form of infographic

1. Hydrate yourself 

drink water

As the weather shifts from hot to cold, the intake of water decreases which results in dehydration and dry skin. Drinking water is not only good for your physical health but also for your skin, especially facial skin. 

The amount of water intake depends on physical activity and gender. But to stay hydrated make sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water during winter.

2. Drink Herbal Tea

herbal tea

Winter is the most drying season of the year for skin and it can cause a lot of dermatological problems. Despite the fact that skincare products maintain the skin’s softness and hydration, but herbal teas provide excellent protection against toxins. 

Herbal tea helps to detoxify the body of toxins and impurities, making the skin moist, healthy and rejuvenated.

So if your skin is prone to blemishes, acne, or dullness, simply add a detox drink to your daily diet. Limit the intake of coffee or tea and try to replace it with a detox drink or herbal tea. 

The most popular detox drinks include chamomile tea, peppermint tea, green tea, turmeric tea, and jasmine tea. Adding any herbal tea to your diet can help you achieve a flawless complexion during winter.

3. Include Spf in your Winter Skincare

Photo by Reuben Mansell on Unsplash

People stop using SPF with the change in weather since the general assumption is to wear SPF during the summer season. 

In Winter our skin is more sensitive and exposure to harmful UV radiations and snow glare can result in pigmentation, wrinkles, and skin cancer. 

To protect the skin from harmful radiations, It is therefore recommended that you wear sunscreen every single day with a minimum SPF30.  Look for the sunscreen that has a moisturizing effect rather than moisturizer with sunscreen. Apply a recommended amount of Spf along your face, neck, and ears.

4. Moisturize Often

Pink jar with white, pink cream for face, hands, feet, body on a white background.
Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

In order to survive the dry winter season, it is best to change up the moisturizer for your skin. The Moisturizer that you use for your skin during the summer season tends to be less oily as the weather is more humid. But the winter season is dry and has less moisture.

To lock the moisture in the skin it is a best practice to change the moisturizer according to the need of the season. 

In the winter look for a moisturizer that has oil in it. The oil-based moisturizer will lock the moisture in the skin and protect it for a longer period of time. 

5. Apply Lip balm

lip balm

With the beginning of cold dry weather, people start to experience chapped and painful lips which may often bleed. 

In order to take care of the lip during the winter season, apply lip balm or glycerin throughout the day. Lip balm with Spf inside is very helpful when going outdoors.

6. Limit Hot bath

Shower head

A hot bath is very tempting during winter but it can strip the skin of its natural oils leaving it dry and flaky.

Dermatologists suggest showering in lukewarm water for a maximum of 10-15 minutes. After showering, moisturize when skin is still damp. It will be helpful to keep the skin healthy and supple. 

7. Wear Right clothes in Cold

winter clothes

The use of weather-appropriate clothes in winter also helps in protecting the skin from cold winds that can harm the skin in many ways.

As the temperature drops, wear thermal clothes that feel light and soft next to your skin. Do not opt for synthetic clothes that may cause chafing.

Wherever you go outside, wear a scarf, jacket, and mittens to keep you warm.

8. Run a Humidifier 


Dry air inside the homes can have a very harmful effect not only on your physical health but also on the skin. 

The one way to increase the moisture in the homes is to invest in a good humidifier. Humidifiers are great in improving the air and bringing the moisture back into the air and thus making the skin feel more hydrating. 

Humidifiers can sometimes be very costly and are limited to one room only. However, you can easily make a home humidifier by placing a bowl of water in the room. 

9. Professional Facial once in a month

Women lying on a bed doing facial

As the winter kicks in, people take extra measures to protect the lower parts of their bodies. Since we usually leave our faces uncovered while outside, they tend to be the most affected. The cold wind of winter affects the face more than the lower part of the body. 

Professional Facials during winter penetrate deep inside the skin helping the skin to get rid of dead skin cells making the skin fresh, clean, and hydrated. 

Dermatologists recommend doing facials every four weeks to remove dead cells. 

10. Hands protection 

Hand Protection

In the winter season, it is difficult to keep Hands moist. The reason behind this is that Hands have a very thin layer of skin and have very fewer glands. Due to this, Hands can get affected by dry cold weather more often.

Keeping chapped hands moist it is recommended to apply a good winter cream or moisturizer to protect them from drying out. As Water strips away all the moisture leaving hands dry and itchy.

Moreover, the next important thing that can be done to prevent chapped hands is to wear mittens or gloves whenever you are outside. This way hands will remain warm and moist.

11. Foot protection

Foot in the tub of water

Unlike summer, feet need more protection as they are more prone to dry and cold weather. 

To protect the foot from getting dry, and keep it moisturized, try using a good Moisturiser that contains petroleum jelly or Glycerine. 

In addition to using a good Moisturizer exfoliate the foot gently once every week or two. 

12. Apply Honey mask 


Winter cold air affects the skin and causes it to dry out. Honey has been used for skincare for thousands of years.  Nowadays honey is being used in various skincare products as it is very helpful in moisturizing dry skin and fighting acne-causing bacteria.

The best time to apply a honey mask is at night so you get the full benefits from it without having to worry about dealing with the time constraints of the day. Or you can apply it to your skin for 10-15 minutes. This honey mask will give your skin a natural shine and seal in moisture. 

13. Apply face oil 

In winter, many people experience dry skin or dry patches on their faces. As the cold weather sets in, it tends to pull moisture out of your skin. The result can be tight, itchy skin.

Winter weather can damage the skin, so use face oil overnight to counteract this effect. By applying oil to your face, you will be able to restore moisture to your skin and make your skin look refreshed. 

14. Exfoliate gently

Skin Cleanser brush

By gently exfoliating the skin, dead and dry skin cells can be removed and serums and creams can be absorbed more deeply – this is the most effective way to reduce dullness and blackheads.

15. Use hyaluronic acid twice a day

Hyaluronic acid is a great supplement for the skin and is well known for hydrating the skin without relying on topical creams. As it locks the moisture into the skin and gives the skin a supple look. 

Besides its benefits to the skin, it is helpful in reducing fine lines and wrinkles, enhancing wound healing, and alleviating dry skin.

Dermatologists recommend using gel-based hyaluronic acid for oily skin and oil-based for dry skin. For best results always apply on damp and clean skin.

You can use Hyaluronic acid twice a day, but make sure to apply moisturizer or face oil right afterward to have a positive effect on the skin.

16. Ensure ceramides are included

Ceramides belong to the family of lipids(fats) and act as a barrier for locking the moisture in the skin.  As we age the number of ceramides decreases in the body which results in thinning of the skin and the appearance of the fine line after the age of 40.

Ceramides are also very beneficial in the winter season as it helps in retaining the moisture of the skin, treating acne, and reducing wrinkles. 

It is a good idea to incorporate ceramides in your daily skin routine to have fresh, and plumper skin. 

17. Include Retinoids

With dropping temperatures in winter, you may be relying on hyaluronic acid, or ceramides to maintain the skin moisture. Most people are afraid of using retinoids in winter because of their harsh effects on the skin including dryness, redness, peeling, and stinging.

Retinol is very effective in reducing dark spots and skin damage due to UV. Start using retinol in a pea-sized amount every other night or every third night, or once a week. 

To reduce the harsh effects of retinol in winter, it is suggested to apply a heavy moisturizer on the top to minimize the effect of dryness.  

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